Home > Septic Services Blog > New Homebuyer’s Guide: Do I Need to Have My Septic System Pumped?
Septic System Pumping

If you are thinking of buying a new home and it has a septic system, there is some important information you need to consider. Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL wants to make sure you have the right tools at hand so that you feel equipped during your homebuying journey.

It’s important to note that there are a lot of septic systems out there.

From Gravity Systems to Lift Stations to Treatment Systems, each system is unique. Determining which system your new home may have will depend on the unique needs of the residence. These needs can include the condition and quality of the soil the drain field sits on as well as the actual space permitted for use.

When in doubt, ask your realtor or the seller to disclose whether or not the home has a septic system in place and what kind it is. Once you have established that the home has a septic system, you will need to make sure it is working properly and at capacity.

An inspection is the best way to diagnose any issues a septic system may be experiencing, including whether or not it needs to be pumped.

At Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL, our team of experts can help check for signs of leakage, backup, standing water, sludge, scum levels, plumbing integrity, and the age of the septic system. We can help verify whether or not the septic tank was maintained properly and can give an assessment on if it requires pumping.

If a septic tank has not been mechanically pumped within the last 3 years, it should be emptied and cleaned.

This will reduce the likelihood of sludge buildup in the drain field.

Licensed septic inspections can help you catch system issues before they require major repairs. When inspecting a system, our team at Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL always pumps and washes down the septic tank down to get a good visual interpretation. Once the tank has been pumped down, we check the markers inside the tank to see if the drain field is accepting liquids. For septic systems with a lift station, this inspection also entails checking pumps, alarms and the floats that trigger them.

Keep a detailed record.

When buying a home, it’s a good idea to start from scratch with a new septic system cleaning regimen. This way, you know exactly what condition your septic tank is in, and you can continue with a good septic tank cleaning and maintenance schedule.

If after you have purchased your new home you notice a backup of wastewater, a foul odor coming from indoor drains or outside of the septic system, or grass that is light green and near your septic tank, you should call a licensed septic expert.

Trust Quality Septic Inc. Today for Your Septic Inspection and Pumping

By hiring the right septic services provider, you will save yourself from major headaches down the road. Whether you are looking to buy a home or have recently made a new home purchase, we are standing by to help you with septic tank pumping and repair, septic system installation and all other septic services including drain field installation. Call us today at (813) 737-7093 or reach us through our online contact form.