What You Need to Know About Drain Field Installation

As a homeowner, you want to keep everything on your property running smoothly, safely and efficiently. Making major upgrades or improvements to your septic system may feel a little intimidating if you’re not really familiar with how the system works. This is particularly true with drain field installation.

Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL, has been providing experienced drain field repairs and installation for our customers for more than 25 years. We’d like to share a little info about drain field installation that will help you feel more comfortable about the process, should you ever require it.

drain field replacement, plant city flInstalling a new drain field: what to expect

There’s very little for you, the homeowner, to do during a drain field installation. It is important, however, that you clear the area where the drain field will be built – i.e., remove vehicles, machinery, toys and whatever else could get in the way.

Primary parts of a drain field installation

In order for a drain field to efficiently receive and filter the waste water sent from the septic tank, certain steps must be taken. Here are three of the most important.

Determine the ideal location

Before any work begins, our team will survey your property and determine the right location for your new drain field. Our survey will include a variety of factors including:

  • The size of the new drain field – we want to install the field with plenty of room for later access
  • The slope of your yard – will affect drainage and may require specific installation strategies

Soil evaluation

Along with making sure there’s sufficient space and addressing gradients in the land where the drain field will be installed, we’ll also look at the soil.

The ideal soil for a drain field is coarse enough to allow water to flow through it easily but fine enough to filter out the effluent. If the soil on your property is not well-suited for a drain field, our team will add other varieties of soil to bring it to the right consistency.

Access for future repairs and maintenance

A key part of drain field installation is making sure that the field is easy to access for septic workers. For long-term smooth operation, your drain field will need periodic inspections and maintenance, so we want to install it in a place where this work can be done.

Tips for after installation

An efficient drain field is your goal. Make this goal a reality by following these tips:

  • Never park heavy vehicles or machinery over the drain field
  • Don’t plant new trees right on top of the field
  • Watch for issues such as pooling water and extra-lush grass, which could mean a leak is happening within the system
  • Keep a nose out for the smell of raw sewage in your yard – this points to a backup/leak within the drain field or your septic tank

drain field installation, lakeland flDrain field installation by Florida’s septic experts

Quality Septic is ready to help with all your septic system needs. Drain field installation and repair, septic tank pumping, installation and repair, schedule maintenance on a regular basis and septic inspections.

For fast courteous service year-round, call us at (813) 798-0122. You also can reach out through our convenient contact form.




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