Reasons to Call for a Drain Field Inspection

At Quality Septic Inc., we understand that it can be confusing to wonder when you should call for a drain field inspection. Nobody wants to be the “boy who cried wolf” when what they thought was a problem turned out to be nothing.

On the other hand, you don’t want to choose to not call only to find out there was a big problem that could have been more easily resolved had you called straight away. Many of the septic issues we deal with regularly could have been resolved quickly had the issues been addressed sooner.

Knowledge is power so we want you to know that you should never avoid scheduling a drain field inspection. Even if the problem is no big deal, you’ll gain peace of mind, which is a benefit itself.

Drain Field Inspection in Brandon FL

Here are some reasons to call for a drain field inspection that you might not have thought about.

Real estate transaction

If you’re looking at homes or commercial real estate to buy, the septic system needs to be inspected, just like many other major systems on the property. You don’t want to buy another person’s troubles and then be responsible for them.

Annual inspection

Regular drain field inspections are important, even if you aren’t experiencing obvious problems. Inspections are the best way to learn about early signs of damage or malfunction and get the problem resolved quickly.


If you notice the smell of sewage by your drain field, you need to have it inspected by a professional. Septic systems are built so that odors don’t normally escape. If odors are escaping, have it checked out.

Lush landscaping

A very clear sign that there’s a problem with your drain field or septic system is the appearance of extra-lush grass or vegetation above the field or the tank. A blockage or leak will send high-powered nutrients to plant life and make it thrive more than distant vegetation.

Soggy landscaping

If there are puddles or soggy patches in the grass over your drain field, it means that some kind of drainage issue or leak is happening that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

Older system

As your drain field ages, more frequent inspections are needed. With regular inspections, necessary maintenance and repairs along the way, you can extend the life of your system.

Frequent backups

Slow or backed-up drains in your home – whether it’s sinks, toilets or tubs – can point to a problem with either your septic tank or the drain field. Be aware of how your drains are working, and call us if they become sluggish.

Sunken area

A final reason to schedule a drain field inspection is if you notice sunken ground above the drain field. This could be a serious problem, so an inspection is needed to determine if parts of the field have collapsed.

Keep your drain field working right

Quality Septic is ready year-round to provide licensed septic system inspections. We offer complete repairs and maintenance of drain fields, septic tanks, lift stations, and all the components that are needed to keep your house drains running smoothly.

Speak with a septic expert today at (813) 798-0122 or reach out through our contact form.

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