Gravity System vs. Mound System, What’s the Difference?

When it comes to owning and operating a septic tank as a homeowner, there is a lot to consider. Whether you have a traditional septic system, a lift station/mound system, or a gravity system, each is unique. There are several factors that come into play when choosing the correct system for your property type. If you’re building a new home, it’s important to consult a professional to determine which system is right for you. If you are purchasing a home with a septic system already in place, it’s also a good idea to consult a professional septic service company to determine what kind of structure you have installed and how to care for it properly.

Depending on the soil type on the property as well as space permitted for use. If you do not have a traditional septic system, you may end up with one of two other types of systems. A lift station/mound system, or a gravity system. At Quality Septic Inc. we want you to have the most functional septic system for your residence or business.

What is a Gravity Drain Field System?

Gravity System

If you’re on a property type that is not conducive to transporting water underground, a gravity-flow system may be recommended. This system uses gravity to carry water away from the septic tank into different trenches through a network of pipes. A gravity drain field must sit below the draining level of the septic tank in order to work properly.

A gravity system starts with the septic tank, which then connects to a distribution box. Then distribution piping is laid in gravel trenches near natural soil, and the wastewater is purified before contacting the groundwater. You should have a licensed septic company perform inspections and maintenance on your gravity drain field system to ensure it continues to work effectively.

What is a Mound System?

Mound System

You may need a mound system installed if your soil doesn’t have adequate distance down for a standard drain field. If the pull of gravity is not strong enough to move your wastewater away from your home, then a mound system may also be the best solution for your property type. With a mound system, a gravel bed with grouping of pressurized pipes sits in a built up “mound” of sand. Wastewater is pumped through the pipe system and is treated as it moves through the sand and gravel into the unrefined areas of soil.

A lift station usually accompanies a mound system since pumping water into a drain field that higher than the septic tank can be a challenge. A lift station features several moving parts including a pump that controls the flow of liquids in the septic system. The pump is connected to several bladders that trip the pump to turn on and push water out of the lift station tank and into your drain field. The first bladder triggers the pump to run, and the second bladder triggers the alarm. Lift stations/mound systems do require regular maintenance. Thus, you should have a relationship with a trusted lift station repair and inspection company.

Need More Information?

If you think your home or commercial property is a candidate for a either a mound system or gravity drain field, call Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL today. We specialize in all types of drain fields, lift stations, and septic systems. We can help you decide which system is right for you. We offer repair and inspection as well as complete service for septic tanks, drain fields and all septic system components.

Call Your Florida Septic Experts Today

Since 1994, Quality Septic has provided fast, friendly, reliable, and affordable septic system inspections, repairs, and maintenance in Hillsborough County. Arrange an appointment or get your questions answered by calling us at (813) 576-2546 or use our online contact form.

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