Improve Your Septic System’s Health & Functionality in Three Easy Steps

There are several reasons why it’s important to protect the integrity of your septic system. At Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL, we believe maintaining your septic system will save you money in the long run by not having to replace your system prematurely, preserve the value of your property, protect your family and neighbors from harmful contamination, and overall allow you to be a better steward of the environment.
How can you maintain your septic system and improve its health and functionality in three easy steps? Let the experts of Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL explain further.

Quality employees pumping to Improve Your Septic System

1. Pump out your septic system every three years

Having a small amount of sludge in your septic tank is normal. However, when sludge and soils become excessive and begin to accumulate without the decomposition of bacteria, you may start to notice a backup. This excess material leads to your system not accepting as much water, or worse the sludge getting into the drain field where it can no longer break down. By this time, a blockage is likely to already be forming. If left unaddressed, the blockage can lead to system failure. This is something that can be avoided altogether by having a regular maintenance schedule in place. Which includes having your septic system pumped every three years by a reputable company like Quality Septic Inc. A thorough cleaning resets your septic system and prevents a buildup of different unpleasant groupings. Groupings like grease, toilet paper, feminine products, and anything else that can’t properly degrade inside the tank.

Quality employee with truck Improve Your Septic System

2. Keep your bacteria alive

There is such a thing as good bacteria, and it lives in your septic system. Microorganisms help break down sewage and decompose solid waste. These include all different types of bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, and fungi. All of these bacteria strains develop and occur naturally over the time your septic system is in place, working properly. Throwing off its balance can wreak havoc on your system and cause damage. At Quality Septic Inc. of Plant City, FL, we do not recommend using any chemicals in your toilets, sinks, or drains designed to kill bacteria. The best way to keep your septic system working properly is to have a complete septic system inspection. From there a maintenance schedule may be followed.

Septic Truck Improve Your Septic System

3. Be careful of what goes into your system

Certain items should never go into your septic system, and this is usually by way of toilets, sinks, and other drains.

These items include:
• Chemical compounds
• Grease and oil
• Paper products including paper towels
• Feminine napkins
• Coffee grounds
• Cigarette butts
• Hazardous waste

All of these materials can lead to bad clogs and interfere with the production of the good bacteria we mentioned above, in your septic system. And what’s more, you do not want to let these types of pollutants, especially chemicals, leach out into local groundwater and waterways due to passing through the drain field.
Keep these three important things in mind and avoid major and extensive repairs in the near future.

Call your Florida septic experts today

Since 1994, Quality Septic, Inc. has provided fast, friendly, reliable, and affordable septic system inspections, repairs, and maintenance in Hillsborough County. Arrange an appointment or get your questions answered by calling us at (813) 576-2546 or get in touch with our online contact form.

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